Our services

We offer you a wide range of professionals in their areas of activity.

IT expertise

We cover all current technological areas and carry out IT expertise according to the client’s needs.

The advance of new technologies has allowed the incorporation of ICT in almost all aspects of daily life, which entails, in addition to the clear advantages, certain problems that can be caused by misuse, ignorance of certain laws or even by criminal activities of third parties.

Legal opinions

First of all, let us define what a legal opinion is. According to the RAE an opinion (dictámen) is “Opinion and judgement that is formed or issued on something.(…)”, for legal opinions this opinion or judgement comes from a legal professional on a defined matter or fact. legal opinions are made at the request of a court or at the request of a third party for the resolution of a dispute.

Aspertic has a wide and solid experience, our lawyers with expertise in ICT, compliance and European Union law have provided their judgement and opinion in a large number of cases.

Here you can find our public opinions, all of which are highly topical and of general interest.


As a non-profit association, we work for improvements in the judicial system and at the same time for a better use of technologies and privacy protection at national and European level.

Aspertic is a lobby group in the EU, we are registered in the transparency register under the number 1880143435725-46. Among our actions as a lobby group, we must highlight what has been our great success: the Directive on the Protection of whistleblowers of violations of EU law of 20 June 2019, born from a humble proposal that has obtained unexpected dimensions.

The so-called Whistleblowers Act responds to the clear need to defend the rights of those who, in their fight against corruption, become victims of a system that has failed to protect them from reprisals for their whistleblowing. Thus, the Whistleblowers Directive creates a tool so that those who wish to do so can report infringements of EU law and at the same time achieve the necessary protection so that the act of reporting does not have repercussions on their family or working life. At Aspertic, we provide any EU citizen with our Reporting Box, which is subject to EU Directive 1937/2019 and which provides all the guarantees required by the directive.

The fact that we have achieved this important goal has not slowed down our desire to continue fighting for what we believe in, we continue working to bring to the highest levels of the EU everything that we consider unjust or that can be improved in our laws for all EU citizens.

Technical Training

At Aspertic we want knowledge to be available to everyone, whether they are members, collaborators or simply citizens interested in knowing about the changes in the world of ICTs and the legality that affects them, which is why we hold several open training sessions several times a year, for all those who wish to participate. We also have our YouTube channel where we share some of our educational videos.

Some of our courses are:

– Advanced course on IT security and ICT expertise.
– DPD training course and European Regulation (EU) 2018/1807 on non-personal data.
– Training course of Instructor of the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 and Regulatory Compliance.

We do tailor-made training for entities, associations, companies, municipalities and state bodies that request it, please contact us for more information.


Audits and certifications are a way of accrediting a proactive attitude towards future conflicts and also compliance with the law. This has been the will of the Spanish and EU legislator in making companies, as well as individuals, responsible for some forty crimes, many of which have to do with ICTs.

Furthermore, the internalisation of transparency opens the door to Open-Data, a tool that will be essential for economic development in the immediate future.

  • Compliance, UNE 19601
  • Transparency and CSR, ISO 2600


The internet world is a global movement of ideas and products, licensed or not, with or without intellectual property. The expert has to know how to discriminate which is the reality that corresponds to each product, each good, in each work that moves through the network.

  • ENS (National Security Scheme)
  • ENI
  • ISO 27001


The protection of personal data is a whole area covered by third-generation fundamental rights. The implementation of the European Regulation and conflicts with countries with unequal protection are an open conflict at the moment. In addition, the Court of Justice of the European Union has issued a series of rulings that extend and guarantee our data.

Rights on the Web

Privacy and inherent rights are possibly the most problematic area, where most rights come into conflict.

Global reputation is an increasingly repeated problem and knowing where our data is and how it is protected is a necessity.

Social Networks

Because of their widespread use and the few security measures they have, they are one of the most used channels for committing crimes on the Internet, fraud, identity theft, cyberbullying, etc.

Intellectual property

The internet world is a global movement of ideas and products, licensed or unlicensed, with or without intellectual property. The expert has to know how to discriminate which is the reality that corresponds to each product, each good, in each work that moves through the network.

What can we do for you?

All our partners are excellent professionals in their respective fields. Whether you need an audit, an expert opinion, or simply an update on cybersecurity or GDPR issues, we will bring you in touch with the person you need.