Our projects
One of our milestones is to bring technology and the legal world closer to the general public. Our association actively contributes to society through events and actions of a political-social nature through informative, denouncing and/or training events.
As technicians with a long career in our professions, we share our experience in the different technological and legal areas from a clear and understanding point of view for those affected in the different areas of interest.
On this page you will find some of the projects in which we are promoters and active agents to encourage this technical, regulatory and legislative change that is so necessary for the evolution of our society.

Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law.
Directive 2019/1937 was born out of the need of certain groups (civil servants, military personnel, citizens, politicians, etc.) who have seen the law being broken with impunity in their daily lives and who, wanting to report the facts, have been harmed by the reprisals that this whistleblowing has caused them.
This Directive was created to protect them, the whistleblowers who report these infringements. For their protection, the Directive establishes secure whistleblowing channels, where their anonymity is protected and where the procedure for investigating complaints is carried out swiftly and securely by independent third parties.
As a lobby group, Aspertic has been involved in the birth of this Directive and has therefore collaborated in the creation of a tool for the management of the Directive’s mailboxes, called Condor, used by VIADENUNCIA to provide a service to all those who, according to the Directive, have to provide a complaints mailbox. This collaboration has already borne fruit, and Aspertic has been recognised as a competent authority for the purposes of Directive 219/1937.
Human Rights Observatory (OCDH)
Through the OCDH / OACHR, civil society aims to create an Independent Intelligence Community, which through a holistic approach, pursues and proposes solutions to attacks on Democracy, Human Rights and Corruption, and brings value to the reality of the 21st century.
Security breach Petrol stations
In 2018, one of the members of our association located an ICT security breach in a valve model widely used by a large number of petrol stations in Europe and especially in Spain. Our association, through its lobbying position, contacted the European Union so that the States and the affected companies could be notified in order to solve the identified security breach.
This breach allowed anyone who discovered the IP address of the valve connected to the Internet to access it without a username and password, which could have allowed any attacker to generate a very serious security problem if it ended up in the hands of malicious people, allowing fuel to be dumped in densely populated areas.
Lobbying action to denounce the case of permanent employment suffered by interim workers in our country. This case has generated a great deal of controversy, since solving a problem generated by the government of our country has meant that the regulation has opened up the possibility of new workplaces, with equity for private companies. This has caused many people who had a permanent position to feel some discomfort and mistrust towards those who had not done what those who had a permanent position had done (we are going to explain what this has been about, why it has happened – because in Europe this permanent position for life is not understood – and because it has not been to everyone’s liking, putting things in order means that there are those who have benefited and those who have been affected).

Tune into Europe
Our emeritus president Josep Jover i Padró, a specialist in EU and ICT law, thanks to his work over the years in these fields, and his actions as a lawyer, detected a great lack of knowledge on the part of the general public, lawyers and even judges of the significance of being “European citizens”.
Thus, the idea was born, to create a YouTube channel, where with short and simple videos, he explains current topics of European law and how it affects us as European citizens that we are and that we enjoy fundamental rights that must be known and respected.
The aim of this project is to “bet on empowering citizens”. It is well known that ignorance is a weapon used over the centuries by the power structures to keep the population in the dark, most of our politicians and power groups do not want people to talk about Europe, nor to know how it works, thus avoiding having to comply with the obligations of democratic control that the Union puts in the hands of its citizens and companies in the form of Regulations and Directives.
From Aspertic, we recommend that you visit the Sintoniza Europa channel and share with us this journey of knowledge about Europe and its laws, and leave your comments and doubts so that we can continue with this project.
Escuela de Europa
This project, which is in the development phase, is inspired by the College of Europe in Bruges. Its main objective is higher level training, masters and diplomas for professionals in the areas of European Studies, which would cover “EU Values and Law”, “Legal Compliance in the EU”, “Public Security in the EU”, “Advocacy and Lobbying Tools” and the IT area, “Cybersecurity and New Generation Conflicts”, “Data Protection and System Administration”.
What can we do for you?
All our partners are excellent professionals in their respective fields. Whether you need an audit, an expert opinion, or simply an update on cybersecurity or GDPR issues, we will bring you in touch with the person you need.