Working hours
- Monday-Friday: from 10h to 14h
- Monday-Friday: from 16h to 19h
- Email:
- Phone: 931 60 01 60
Normas de efecto o cumplimiento directo: Reglamentos y Reglamentos de aplicación
Normas de cumplimiento indirecto: Directivas y decisiones
Normas de cumplimiento local: Leyes y reglamentos estatales
Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona, February 1982. Diploma in Legal Psychology and Sociology from the IPSJ of the Barcelona Bar Association (1981). Higher Diploma in Community and International Law by the Catalan Pro Europa Trust. (1983-1984). Auditor registered in the AULETEC Register (ICAB) of Legal Auditors in Technological Environments with no. 16. Lawyer registered since 2007, in the Register of Lawyers to be able to intervene professionally before the Court of Justice of the European Union. CEO at Viadenuncia.
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