Mediterranean Association of ICT Experts

Welcome to Aspertic

Our association is a tool to bring new technologies closer to citizens. It is made up of a group of computer and legal experts who have in-depth knowledge of the fields they work in. Through training sessions and conferences we bring the different areas and technical problems closer to all those people who need to deepen their knowledge in a specific subject area. 

Aspertic is a loudspeaker to convey the needs of citizens to political and legal bodies in a bidirectional way so that communication is agile and fluid, as required by the times in which we live, where we are all permanently connected to the Internet.

Our services

IT expertise

We cover all current technological areas and carry out IT expertise according to the client's needs.

Legal opinions

We have years of experience in the judicial field, both in ICT and in EU law and regulatory compliance.


Our action as a lobby group has led to the current Whistleblower Act for the protection of whistleblowers against corruption.

Technical training

We offer specific and up-to-date training on the main legal issues in ICT and data protection.

What makes us unique?


From the most senior to the most junior partner, we have many years of experience in the ICT sector and in EU law. Our individual and collective record is our best endorsement.


Not only geographically, as we have partners all over the country, but also on a human level, we are here to help.


We are formed by a wide variety of professionals from different fields. Our network of contacts is wide and includes not only ICT and legal professionals, but also other specialities.


Both the ICT world and the legal world are in continuous renovation. Our technicians are aware of all the constant technical and legislative changes.

Every project is a milestone

As an association at Aspertic we share our ideals and values in each of the projects we have launched.
With some of them we have even managed to go beyond what we set out to do, a milestone in our history.

Articles and news

36. El ziripostio polaco

La Comisión Europea, en su calidad de guardiana de los Tratados (artículo 17, apartado 1, del TUE), ha puesto en...

What do they say about us?

“Pero, sobre todo, el prolijo dictamen pericial aportado por la parte demandante, elaborado por Dª. Laura Mora, resulta muy relevante a la hora de poder considerar acreditadas las alegaciones fácticas realizadas por el demandante en este pleito. El dictamen aportado ha servido para corroborar la autenticidad de ciertas comunicaciones vertidas en su momento entre la parte actora y un tercero, mediante correos electrónicos. La Sra. Mora ha comparecido al acto del juicio y ha respondido a las peticiones de aclaración y concreción solicitadas por los abogados de las partes. En definitiva, se trata de una prueba de carácter técnico y científico, consistente en un informe emitido por un profesional que ha actuado con total objetividad, imparcialidad y neutralidad, conforme a los arts. 335 y ss. de la LEC, y que se ha aportado a las actuaciones con todas las garantías de contradicción.”
“Gracias Josep Jover por defender los derechos de los temporales más allá de nuestras fronteras.
No nos vamos a rendir nunca y vamos a alzar la voz de lo que está pasando en España con los trabajadores temporales en los foros internacionales, no vamos a cesar hasta conseguirlo!”
Beatriz González
“Gracias Josep Jover por su visión clara del problema que nos ha ayudado a acertar en los argumentos en la denuncia a la autoridad Laboral Europea.”
Somos Sindicalistas

Ready to take it a step further?

Our team of professionals guarantees objective, impartial and neutral technical work. Contact us and we will put you in touch with the professional that meets your needs.